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Unwrap and Expect in Rust

A concept that I quickly came across when learning rust was that of the Result and Option types. Handling of these types is a bit different from my experience handling types in TypeScript, and I was quickly introduced to two useful functions: unwrap and expect to make my life a little easier. But before diving into unwrap and expect, I think it's useful to understand how these two types work to begin with. So hold on for a (not too long) introduction to Option and Result :)

Option and Result

Option is Rust's way of expressing the lack of a value, similar to JavaScript's idea of null or undefined. Option tends to work similar to how enums work, but if enums had values for their values (if that wording makes any sense at all). So Options can have one of two values. Some or None. In other words, they have either Something in them, or nothing in them. Like a box. Now, Some's value still has a type, it's not a free-for-all, but as for Option itself, it's always in one of those two states.

Option is either a value or None

Result is similar in concept but built to handle a different case. In JavaScript, errors or failures in functions are generally handled with exception throwing. And if you're lucky, you may even have the forethought to wrap those functions in a try/ catch block to mitigate any errors that occur in the function call. Well luckily, in Rust, there's a nicer way to handle a function that can either do something successfully or not—the Result type. Result also exists in one of two states: Ok or Err. Ok is similar to the Some type—it wraps another type, while Err also wraps an error type that the internals of the function can throw (or return in this case).

Result is either Ok or Err

But how do we handle these types? What do we do with Options or Results? Well that's where unwrap and expect come in! But first, let's look at how to use Option and Result without these helpers:

fn get_status(username: &str) -> Option<&str> {
  // some user lookup code here...
  if(!user_exists) return None;
  // if user exists, fetch their status and return that...

// now let's use that function
let result = get_status("jakedawkins");
match result {
  Some(status) => println!("{}", status),
  None => println!("couldn't find a status for jakedawkins"),

This simple use case shows a function that looks up a user and returns their status as a string (like looking up a user's most recent GitHub or Twitter status). In this case, I chose to have the function just return nothing if lookup failed, and return the status string if it succeeded. Using match we can check for each of those cases and print out the status or a friendly message.

Similarly, we can change this function to (probably more appropriately) use the Result type.

fn get_status(username: &str) -> Result<&str, String> {
  // some user lookup code here...
  if(!user_exists) return Err("couldn't find user!".to_string());
  // if user exists, fetch their status and return that...

// now let's use that function
let result = get_status("jakedawkins");
match result {
  Ok(status) => println!("{}", status),
  Err(e) => println!("{}", e),

This is really what the Result type was meant to be used for. A function failed, and rather than crashing out of the program (more on that in a minute), we can just return the error type with a message, and let the caller handle that. Or we can say everything is Ok and return a result wrapped by the Ok type.


Finally, onto the good stuff! Now that we know what Options and Results are and how to handle them, we can look at our friends unwrap and expect.

Unwrap is for when you demand there be a value to continue running the program. If Option doesn't have Some value or Result contains an Err, then you want to crash out of the program entirely (panic in Rust-speak). You could do this using matching, but it's a bit verbose:

// The second version of the function which returns a `Result`
let status = match get_status("jakedawkins") {
  Ok(s) => s,
  Err(e) => panic!(),

Here, we're just panicking with no error message. We're just quitting the process and carrying on with our lives when lookup of a user's status fails. Which is fine, but for such a simple workflow, there should be an easier way. And if you've been following along, you can probably guess what it is.

let status = get_status("jakedawkins").unwrap();

The unwrap function does exactly that! unwrap knows how to work with Option types and Result types out of the box. When called on a Result, unwrap will return the value if there is one (i.e. the Result is Ok) and it will panic when there isn't one (an Err). Likewise with Options, if the option has Some value, it will return that value, but if the value is None, it will panic.

The handling of the two types by unwrap is very similar with a slight difference. If Result returns an Err, then unwrap will panic with the Err's original error message! But if an Option has no value, it will just panic—no helpful message included. That's where expect comes in handy!


expect works very similarly to unwrap with the addition of a custom panic message. If you're wanting a more friendly error message from an Err or a None value, you can use expect to get what you're looking for:

let status = get_status("jakedawkins").expect("status fetching");

If get_status returned an Err, then the program would panic with an error similar to the following:

thread 'main' panicked at 'status fetching', src/

We could do all this manually using match and panic just like we did above, but condensing all that to a single function call makes life a lot easier (and code easier to read).


expect and unwrap are fairly simple utility functions to make working with Option and Result types a little more reasonable, and can prevent needing to write much longer match blocks, cleaning up code, allowing for better error handling, all while keeping your programs type-safe and easy to reason about!

Did I explain all this correctly? Did I get it completely wrong? Let me know! I'm new to this all, and am mostly writing for my own education!

Follow along as I learn or reach out to me @jakedawkins on Threads!